Anxiety is an emotion we may experience sometimes, particularly when we are in new or stressful situations. It’s the way our body reacts to what is happening around us. It gives us a warning signal that we need to change something in order to be or feel safe again.
When we are in these situations where we start to feel anxious, worried or scared, it can sometimes be a normal and common emotion. The emotion can range from being mild – like having butterflies in our stomach and feeling a bit nervous for our first day at school – or it can be more severe – like feeling absolutely terrified about something that puts us in danger, with persistent thoughts that seem to overwhelm us. Most people, however, experience mild anxiety.
Stress is the strain we experience in response to change. You will experience it as being out of your comfort zone.
In some circumstances, stress can actually help us to function at our best. It pushes us into action and motivates us to work hard. You may have felt stressed for an exam and then studied extra hard to make sure you aced it. This is a way stress can push us and actually help us. However, when stress is too overwhelming, it has a very negative affect on us. It overwhelms us and prevents us from doing our best.
It is important to manage our stress levels in order to be productive in school and in our social life. You may not know what this looks like for you yet and it will take time for you to learn how to balance all your priorities so that you don’t overwhelm yourself.
When you experience a high level of stress, it can cause you to feel:
When we experience too much stress and anxiety, this can have impacts on our physical health too. These are some examples:
While it can be inconvenient and scary, it is normal to experience these emotions in our daily life, especially during our teenage years, which are full of change and uncertainty.
However, there are times when our anxiety becomes louder and more obvious – to a point where it can interfere with our ability to focus, attend school or perform at our best potential. It can even affect our social activities, where it becomes difficult to keep up with friends or participate in activities. This is the time for us to take note of it and either use some of the tips outlined below, or seek support.
There are many things we can do on a daily basis to reduce stress, help our body and mind calm down and feel better. Check the tips below!
What can I do for an anxious friend or family member?
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